Straighten Bent Penis with the help of Dr. Vinod Raina

There are so many people facing such problem and a lot of worried about the size and shape of the penis. Everyone wish to have a long thick penis which is straight. No one has a perfectly straight penis and good shape. Let us talk about curve penis first.

Curve or bend penis is the form of middle penis, base to top of the penis.

The curve of the penis is also called code. Generally patient soils the cloths while passing urine at the time of sex. People are facing difficulty in penetration of the vagina because of bend and short size. If anyone facing such problem, they have to take treatment before the marriage otherwise it can be a non-consummation of marriage.

There is the other situation when people develop curve more than 15 degrees is Peyronie's disease. This is inflammation of the sheath (named Tunica Albugenia) covering Corpora Cavernosa (The upper two cylinders responsible for erection of the penis), when it will be painful on erection.

Slowly pain will be abated and penis will start bending in one direction up, down or sideways. It will also call short penis, loss of desire and ED. It can be treated as medicine initially, but surgery is needed if straightening is needed.

Up to 15 degree curve is normal or if the person able to enter vagina to complete the act of intercourse successfully, then it is normal. It can be bent to anything up to 120 degrees so sex and urine passing becomes very difficult. It is present since birth. This can be treated by surgery.

If you are facing such problem, then you should make appointment with Dr. Vinod Raina, who is one of the best sexologists in India. To make appointment with him, you have to fill a form from our website or you have to give a call to Top Sexologist In India: 9667987682 and get best treatment ever.

Related Keyword:
  • How to straighten a bent penis?
  • Step to straighten a bent penis 
  • Ways to straighten a bent penis


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